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From The Shelf- WWF Raw is War 1-10-2000

August 2, 2013 | Posted by Dylan Diot
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From The Shelf- WWF Raw is War 1-10-2000  

WWF Raw is War
St. Louis, MO

The locker room comes out and surrounds the ring to kick off the show. The Rock then comes out and enters the ring. The Rock says that the WWF superstars ask him to be their spokesperson and he calls out Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. The rest of DX refuses to go out with them, so Triple H and Stephanie make their way out alone. Rock tells them they have a few things to discuss, the first is Mick Foley. Rock says if they don’t meet their demands every WWF will walk out on them and stat the WRF, the World Rock Federation!!!! His first demand is that they reinstate Mick Foley. Triple H reinstates Foley but claims he was going to reinstate him anyway. The second demand is that there are no more You’re Fired matches. Stephanie agrees to that demand. He demands no one can be fired unless there is a just reason for it. Triple H agrees again and tries to claim they’re all about fairness but Mick Foley’s music plays. Mankind makes his way out through the crowd. Mankind thanks the crowd and their fans for their support. Mankind tells Triple H he has an idea for a main event for the Royal Rumble between them with stipulations to be named later. Triple H tells Mankind he has the match. Rock declares that he will be a part of the Royal Rumble match and he will win the match and face either Mankind or Triple H at Wrestlemania. Mankind says he has some suggestions for tonight’s show. The first is to find out who is the toughest of the New Age Outlaws, so he suggests Road Dogg vs. Billy Gunn. Triple H makes the match. Mankind then wants to find out if X-Pac is better than Triple H so Mankind wants to see that match as well. Stephanie makes that match as well. Rock says there is one more match left; it’s DX against the Acolytes. Triple H agrees and tries to leave but Rock says he’s not finished. He says the Acolytes will team with the Rock N’Sock Connection!!! Mankind is excited and tries to grab Rock;s shoulder but he pulls away in a funny moment. That was a fun segment.

Backstage, DX flips out on Triple H for giving in to pressure.

Road Dogg vs. Billy Gunn
Gunn attacks Road Dogg from behind and he stomps away. He hammers away on Road Dogg in the corner and he chokes him with his boot. Snap mare and Gunn hits a knee drop for 2. Gunn goes to the chinlock but Dogg fights out so Gunn hits a knee to the gut. Gunn dumps Road Dogg to the floor and he follows out. He drops Road Dogg onto the barricade and back in, Road Dogg hits some jabs. Shake, Juke, and Jive by Road Dogg get 2. Gunn comes back with the jackhammer and he hits the Avalanche in the corner. Gunn goes for the Fameasser but Road Dogg counters into the powerslam for 3. Billy Gunn leaves in frustration after the match.
Winner- Road Dogg *1/2 ( Dull match, these two never had any chemistry as opponents. )

Mankind has tied up the fake Mankind backstage.

Kurt Angle and Steve Blackman vs. Hardy Boyz (Jeff and Matt Hardy) w/Terri
Angle and Matt start. Angle catches Matt in the arm bar but Matt fights back with rights. Back suplex by Matt and he hits a neckbreaker for 2. Tag to Jeff and they hit Poetry in Motion in the corner for 2 as Angle gets his foot on the ropes. Tag to Blackman and Jeff draws him to the floor where Jeff catches him with the springboard Asai moonsault. Jeff goes for a hurricanrana off the barricade but Blackman blocks and swings Jeff into the steps!!! Back in, Blackman gets 2. Tag to Angle and he puts Jeff on top. He follows up but Jeff shoves him to the apron to block. Missile dropkick onto the apron by Jeff and he goes for the tag but Angle catches the leg. Spinning kick by Jeff and he tags Matt who cleans house. Superkick by Blackman and he presses Matt to the mat. He grabs his stick but Jeff catches him with a missile dropkick from behind. Twist of Fate by Matt gets 3.
Winners- Hardy Boyz ** ( Fun little match with Jeff bumping like crazy and everyone got to look good. )

Mankind tells the Fake Mankind he has no idea what he is in for tonight.

Chris Jericho tells Chyna that if they work together, they can destroy the Hollys. He says he wants to put the past behind them. He tells her to write the match on the sign-up sheet Triple H put on his locker.

WWF European Championship- Val Venis © vs. Edge w/Christian
We learn that Edge is actually engaged to Val Venis’ sister which makes this match a bit more interesting. A orange symbol then appears on the screen for a few seconds after Edge makes his way out. Back elbow by Venis to start but Edge comes back with a hurricanrana for 2. Venis charges in the corner but eats boot. He comes back with a spinebuster for 2. Corner clotheslines by Venis gets 2. Sleeper by Edge but Venis breaks with the Proto Bomb for 2. Venis rakes the eyes of Edge and he hot shots Edge for 2. Edge blocks the swinging neckbreaker attempt and hits a DDT. Reverse atomic drop by Edge and he hits a clothesline. Back drop by Edge and he goes up. Missile dropkick by Edge and he hits the Downward Spiral for 2 as Venis gets his foot on the ropes. Edge goes for the Spear but misses and hits the post shoulder first. Fisherman Suplex by Venis gets 3.
Winner and Still WWF European Champion- Val Venis **1/4 ( I wish this got time because this was quite good for the three minutes we got. )

After the match, Edge tells Val Venis that he won’t be the best man at his wedding, Christian will be. Val has no problems with this.

DX continues to argue backstage.

Chris Jericho and Chyna w/The Kat vs. The Hollys (Hardcore and Crash Holly)
Hardcore and Jericho start. Flying forearm by Jericho and he chops away on Hardcore in the corner. Bulldog by Jericho and Chyna tags in. Double backdrop to Hardcore and Crash tags in. Clothesline by Chyna and she hammers the back of Crash. Back elbow by Chyna and she hits some forearms. Clothesline by Chyna and Hardcore blind tags in. Hart Attack by the Hollys gets 2. Hardcore hammers the back of Chyna and he stomps away in the corner. Slam by Hardcore and he tags Crash. Crash goes up and leaps but eats a boot to the groin on the way down. Hardcore tags in and prevents her from making the tag. Falcon Arrow by Hardcore gets 3. Jericho walks out with the Intercontinental Championship.
Winners- The Hollys *1/2 ( Pretty much a handicap match that allowed Jericho to get some revenge from Smackdown, but this was still solid. )

Mankind tosses coffee at the face of the fake Mankind.

X-Pac vs. Triple H w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley
HHH knocks X-Pac down and he stomps away in the corner. He chokes away on X-Pac and X-Pac comes back with a spin kick. Spinning heel kick by X-Pac and he clotheslines HHH to the floor. Baseball slide by X-Pac and chops away on the floor. HHH presses him onto the announce table and he slams X-Pac’s face off the announce table. He knocks X-Pac down but X-Pac fights back with some rights. Facebuster by HHH and he goes for the Pedigree but X-Pac goes low to block. Spin kick by X-Pac and he throws some kicks in the corner. Spin kick by X-Pac and he gives HHH the Bronco Buster. X-Pac goes up but Stephanie crotches him, allowing HHH to hit the Pedigree for 3.
Winner- Triple H ** ( HHH gave X-Pac a lot and made it look like X-Pac had a shot to beat him which produced some good drama for a three minute match. )

Too Cool (Scott 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay) and Rikishi vs. Al Snow and Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher)
Mosh attacks Sexay to start and he stomps away in the corner. He charges in the corner but eats boot and Mosh comes back with a back suplex. Snow pulls Scotty off the apron and stomps away on the floor. Back in, Snow and the Headbangers triple team Sexay. Tag to Snow and he hits a clothesline. Tag to Thrasher and Sexay catches him with a powerslam. Tag to Rikishi and he superkicks Mosh. Belly to belly suplex to Thrasher and Rikishi hits the Bonzai Drop. Rikishi Driver to Mosh gets 3. Snow lays out the Headbangers with Head.
Winners- Too Cool and Rikishi * ( Worthless match that was only there for Snow to attack his partners and to let Rikishi kick some ass. )

Mankind tells the Fake Mankind that if he is not sorry for what he did, he will make him watch an hour of Al Snow matches. He finally unties Fake Mankind and promises to hunt him down if he ever does this again. He tells the Fake Mankind he better not leave this room or he will regret it.

The Godfather and D’Lo Brown w/Hoes vs. Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley)
The Dudleyz interrupts Godfather’s usual speech and they all brawl to start. Hip toss by Godfatheer to Bubba and he hits a clothesline. Tag to Brown and they hit a double back elbow. Leg lariat by Brown and he hits a slam. Leg drop misses and Bubba hits a powerbomb. What’s Up to Brown and D-Von hits a back elbow. Suplex by D-Von gets 2. Tag to Bubba and he walks into the Sky High from Brown. Tag to Godfather and he cleans house. Hoe Train to D-Von and he tags Brown. He goes up but Bubba pulls D-Von to the floor to save him. They grab the Hoes but Godfather and Brown stop them as the ref calls for the bell.
Match ends in a No-Contest *1/4 ( I thought we going to go a whole show without a crappy finish. Damn. This finish was beyond stupid, really what was the reason for the no-contest anyway? Really stupid. )

Mankind confronts Tori that he wants to too a ton of things to her breasts. Tori brings Kane into his locker room and Kane attacks the fake Mankind!!! He chases the fake Mankind out of the building.

Triple H tells the DX they need unity and Road Dogg agrees they have to stick together.

Test and Big Show vs. Big Boss Man and Prince Albert
They all brawl to start and Boss Man and Albert are sent into each other. Test charges in the corner but misses and Albert stomps away. Boss Man goes to hit Big Show with the nightstick but Show superkicks him knocking Boss Man into Albert. Big boot by Test and he goes up. Flying Elbow Drop to Albert gets 3. Albert shoves Boss Man down after the match but they both walk into a double chokeslam from Big Show.
Winners- Test and Prince Albert 1/4* ( SQUASH. )

DX (Triple H, X-Pac, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn) w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. The Acolytes (Faarooq and Bradshaw) and the Rock N’ Sock Connection (The Rock and Mankind)
Rock and Gunn start. Rights by Rock and he stomps away in the corner. Gunn comes back with a neckbreaker and he stomps away. Jabs by Gunn and he knocks Rock down. He chokes rock in the ropes and he grinds Rock’s face off the ropes. Samoan drop by Rock and he catches Road Dogg coming in with a spinebuster. Rock Bottom to Gunn gets 2 as X-Pac breaks. Rock clotheslines him to the floor and he tags Bradshaw. Gunn pokes the eye and he tags Road Dogg. Flying forearm by Road Dogg and Bradshaw hits a big boot. He misses an elbow drop and tags X-Pac. He works over X-Pac in the corner and he charges but misses. X-Pac throws some kicks in the corner and follows up with a spin kick. He goes for a crossbody but Bradshaw catches him and hits the fall-a-way slam. Tag to Faarooq and he hammers the back of X-Pac. Head butt by Faarooq gets 2. Spin kick by X-Pac and Faarooq comes back with a backbreaker for 2. Tag to Rock and he works over X-Pac in the corner. Tag to Faarooq and he goes for the Dominator but X-Pac escapes. DDT by X-Pac and he tags Triple H. Mankind tags in and he cleans house. He hammers away on HHH in the corner and then connects with a running knee strike. Face buster by HHH and he goes for the tag but X-Pac and the Outlaws walk out on him!!! Rights by Mankind but HHH pokes the eye to block. Clothesline by Mankind as Rock and the Acolytes go after X-Pac and the New Age Outlaws. They go to the back, leaving Mankind and HHH alone in the ring. Double arm DDT by Mankind and he brings out Mr. Socko!!! Stephanie grabs the leg of Mankind so Mankind drags him to the apron. HHH stops him from giving her the Mandible Claw and HHH hammers away. He stomps Mankind to the floor and he follows out. He checks on Stephanie before slamming Mankind’s face off the steps. He throws Mankind onto the announce table and he nails Mankind with the WWF Championship. HHH hammers away on the announce table and he hits the Pedigree through the announce table!!!! Mankind is busted open as back in, HHH hits the Pedigree for 3.
Winners- DX ***1/2 ( This was a hot main event. Great non-stop action and the final few minutes with HHH and Mankind was fantastic and if I saw it at the time it would have sold me on their match at Royal Rumble. Great stuff to close the show. )

After the match, HHH nails the referee and he works over the bloody head of Mankind. Mankind knocks him down to come back and he hammers away on HHH. He dumps HHH to the floor and follows out. He nails HHH with the steps and then with a piece of the announce table. He hip tosses HHH on the floor and back in, Mankind clotheslines him back to the floor. Stephanie helps HHH to his feet as the show comes to an end.

The 411: A damn good episode of Raw. Only one crappy finish, but that doesn't overpower a couple of fun matches, a good opening segment, and one hell of a main event. You should check out the main event but the entire episode is a fun and easy watch as well.
Final Score:  8.0   [ Very Good ]  legend

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Dylan Diot

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